Slow PC performance? Computer freezing? Windows errors? System crashes?

When the registry becomes very large, your computer's performance can decrease and cause it to be unstable. Some computer users will spend a lot of time and effort going through the registry and editing it manually. Not only can this be a daunting task, it is also a risky one. RegCure - Registry Cleaner can fix your PC registry errors safely.

Computers perform best when they receive regular, professional maintenance. The installation and un-installation of software, hardware, and drivers often leave remnants behind in your registry, resulting in a tangle of unused applications, broken drivers, and incomplete and empty command signals.

This mass of confusion slows down your computer and if not addressed promptly can lead to serious problems such as computer freezing, programs not responding, and system crashes.

* Windows errors
* Slow performance
* Hardware malfunctions
* Computer freezing
* System crashes

Experience blazing speed & Fire Up Your PC!

RegCure - Registry Cleaner - Rescue your PC from the ice age

RegCure - Registry Cleaner - Ignite your PC’s potential

Repair Registry with RegCure - Registry Cleaner - Make frozen applications a thing of the past.

Scan Your PC For Free - Regcure

RegCure - Advance Registry Cleaner

RegCure, the Advanced Registry Cleaner. Windows Errors Have Met Their Match! Developed to utilize the most current technology in registry cleaning, RegCure is the most advanced prevention and maintenance tool available. Offering the most comprehensive feature set on the market and free customer support, RegCure is the PC fix preferred by PC users.

Optimum Maintenance for Optimum Performance.RegCure uses the most sophisticated technology available to analyze your registry for missing, obsolete, and corrupt entries. Compatible with all Microsoft products and third party applications, RegCure seeks out those remnants left behind from failed installations, incomplete un-installations, disabled drivers, and spyware applications.

RegCure FEATURE LIST - Automatic/Manual Removal
- Shows scan progress
- Back-up Registry
- Built in scheduler
- Compress or Defrag Registry
- Manage/Cleanup Startup Programs
- Scans for Invalid Program shortcuts
- Removes Duplicate files
- Deletes empty registry Keys
- Checks invalid Class Keys
- Checks Shell Extension
- Checks invalid Help Files
- Checks Invalid CLSID/Typelib/Interface Entries
- Checks Invalid Shared known DLL's
- Checks invalid Paths
- Checks Application Path Keys/Orphan References
- Checks Invalid Fonts
- Checks Invalid File Types//Extensions/Entries
- Startup manager Automatic Repair: RegCure offers you the ability to perform an automatic repair of detected items after a scan. Backup and Restore: An automatic backup is created every time you use RegCure.

You can restore any items any time for peace of mind. Startup Management: RegCureoffers quick and easy access to all the programs that are launched when you start your computer. You can enable and disable applications in the Manage Startup list with a few simple clicks. free download: RegCure Scans your computer for FREE, and instantly reports on critical errors impairing your PC's normal operation.
RegCure, the advanced registry cleaner. Windows errors have met their match! RegCure offers the most comprehensive feature set on the market. RegCure is the PC fix preferred by PC users. Scan your computer for errors, FREE! - FREE DOWNLOAD.

RegCure - Developed to utilize the most current technology in registry cleaning, RegCure is the most advanced prevention and maintenance tool available. Offering the most comprehensive feature set on the market and free customer support

RegCure Review v4.6.16

RegCure : Registry Cleaner

Q. Why does my PC freeze?

Corruption within your registry keys, registry classes, and registry settings are the most common causes of Windows error messages.

Getting to Know Your Registry

The registry is a key component of the Windows operating system. Without it, Windows would not be able to run. The registry is stored on your computer in several files and depending upon your version of Windows, there will be different files and different locations for these files.

RegCure enables you to fix your PC's windows registry in the way that is most comfortable for you. Clean your registry manually according to your own specifications or perform a thorough scan and clean it automatically!.

- Automatic/Manual Removal
- Shows scan progress
- Back-up Registry
- Built in scheduler
- Compress or Defrag Registry
- Manage/Cleanup Startup Programs
- Scans for Invalid Program shortcuts
- Removes Duplicate files
- Deletes empty registry Keys
- Checks invalid Class Keys
- Checks Shell Extension
- Checks invalid Help Files
- Checks Invalid CLSID/Typelib/Interface Entries
- Checks Invalid Shared known DLL's
- Checks invalid Paths
- Checks Application Path Keys/Orphan References
- Checks Invalid Fonts
- Checks Invalid File Types//Extensions/Entries
- Startup manager

Automatic Repair:
RegCure offers you the ability to perform an automatic repair of detected items after a scan.

Backup and Restore:
An automatic backup is created every time you use RegCure. You can restore any items any time for peace of mind.

Startup Management:
RegCure offers quick and easy access to all the programs that are launched when you start your computer. You can enable and disable applications in the Manage Startup list with a few simple clicks.

RegCure Scans your computer for FREE, and instantly reports on critical errors impairing your PC's normal operation.


Best Solution For A Slow PC

"RegCure gave me all the solutions that I need from Low Performance, Hardware Malfunctions, Computer Freezing, Windows Error then eventually System Crashes."

A couple of months ago I found myself summarizing the inconvenience that my PC brings me that instead of easy access and setting mind at ease should be the thingsthat I deserve to have. How can I do all my important documents and meet all my deadlines at work when I have a very slow moving, slow downloading, slow registering and worst of all a freezing PC, these questions bothered me everyday of my life. I was desperate to find cure for my problem that I believe majority of the problem of the PC users are the same as mine. Then, I read a FREE SCAN for my PC @, did not have time to hesitate I had my PC scanned and found lots of problems that REG CURE surely cured.

Now, it is time for me to share the peace of mind that I have now and the promotions that I have got because of a very fast and a very clean PC. I thought that this testimonial can help you to solve the hardest problem that I had a couple of months ago that as now I believed a very simple one.


Just by simply cleaning my Windows Registry – It will clean and organize your Windows Registry which is a crucial part of the PC. It is the one who governs your Windows Operating System as if it is not cleaned or not well organized results to corruption, freezing and crashing. Less efforts for me and just a quick touch of RegCure then I found myself in an early vacation for the earlier meet of deadline